
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020

The Elephant Man: Commercial success

After the great success that was Eraserhead  on the critical and independent film world, Lynch was approached by some executives to be the head of a new project called The Elephant Man , a movie which would tell the story of John Merrick, a man who was born with a facial deformity that shaped his whole life, and Frederick Teaves, the doctor that cared for him and gave him a safe home. Lynch was interested right from the start with this project, which would combine the darker parts of his work with a hopeful touch of optimism, something he always likes to leave his audience with. The movie was much easier to make than Eraserhead , mainly because of a bigger budget and Lynch's moving to Los Angeles, where most of the filming took place. Big star Anthony Hopkins approached the production early on, to play Dr. Frederick Teaves, and newcomer actor John Hurt ended up being nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his incredible portrayal of John Merrick. The movie was Lynch'

Eraserhead: The beginning

When he finished high school, David Lynch moved to Philadelphia, a town that he later would go on to admit was his biggest influence. Philadelphia's mostly grey and sorrowful weather mostly influenced Lynch's first full-length movie: Eraserhead . A tale about a man who is absolutely lost in a chaotic world, Eraserhead was itself born out of pure chaos. It was filmed during Lynch's college years, and it took five years to complete. He lacked the budget, the time and the experience a movie as ambitious and as independent as this requires to be made. For the last two years of this film's production, Lynch went through a horrible divorce from his first wife, and that stressed him and added many years to his life. In the end, the movie premiered in 1977, and was met with criticcal acclaim. Eraserhead tells the story of Henry Spencer, a depressed and melancholic man that lives in a nightmarish world that closely resembles ours. When he finds out he is going to be a father, hi

David Lynch: A modern surrealist

 Are you interested in broadening your knowledge about David Lynch? This article will respond many questions you may have. David Lynch is considered one of the most relevant and influential American filmmakers of all time. To get to this point, he was always original. He never stopped being himself. He created the pictures, artwork and subsecuently films that he actually wanted to create. Never letting any company or director make artistic decisions for himself, he was faithful to his influences and his artistic vision. Mulholland Drive Throughout six decades, he created one of the most astonishing filmographies to ever exist, and one that easily competes with the whole creative outcome of big classical masters of the past. All of his films are always included in "best of all time" movie lists, and they include Mulholland Drive , Eraserhead , Lost Highway , Wild at Heart and his magnum opus, the television series Twin Peaks , which includes the two first seasons, made in the